Who we are
Vector Vitale is creating a breakthrough class of therapeutic solutions that provide symmetry correction of biomolecules including amino acids, polypeptides and proteins, and can be re-dosed to achieve a sustainable effect. We have put together a solid team of like-minded specialists with expertise in physics, chemistry, technology and life sciences.
Vector Vitale was founded in 2015, following more than 20 years of extensive research in mathematical models of hierarchical stable systems, physics of the atom, and nature of changes in biomolecules structure.
Our interdisciplinary studies resulted in a new model of pathogenesis and novel methods for prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases.
B uilding on these discoveries, we created a breakthrough therapeutic platform. The initial application of our technology is focused on the treatment of solid malignant tumors, diabetes, obesity and Parkinson’s disease.
Our vision
Our vision is to change the paradigm of treatment for patients with degenerative diseases by addressing the fundamental factors which define the onset and progress of pathologies. We aim to change how the degenerative diseases are defined.
Wiki: “Degenerative disease is the result of a continuous process based on degenerative cell changes, affecting tissues or organs, which will increasingly deteriorate over time.” Now we can add: “unless stopped or reversed”.
We are working towards our goal by further developing core pharmaceutical compositions to create solutions addressing the unmet needs of patients suffering from a broad spectrum of degenerative diseases.
Our plan is to make the treatment readily available not only for critically ill patients but also to people 25 – 60 years of age to maximize the preventative effect and exclude the probability of degenerative disorders later in life.
New Principles of Therapy
Our technology is based on the consideration of the human organism as a complex hierarchical multi-level stable system with a negative feedback network.
The origin of degenerative diseases is unknown because currently life sciences are unable to pinpoint their source. In fact, diseases originate on the level of amino acids and chemical elements and can’t be controlled by homeostasis. The interplay in the chain (protein – chiral biomolecules – chemical elements) is a key factor defining the onset of pathogenesis. The type of resulting degenerative disease depends on the type of atoms, amino acids and proteins at the source where the disease originates.
T he good news is that despite the rich variety of pathological changes, the core algorithm of pathogenesis is always identical. This feature creates an opportunity for the treatment and prevention of all degenerative diseases. The methods of treatment are based on the use of interconnections between differential and integral components of live cells, as well as on our ability to control its integrity from the bottom up, starting from sublevels (atoms – amino acids – proteins) and (amino acids – proteins – cells).
The key elements of our technology include:
- Control of amino acids chirality in proteins
- Correction of defective transcription factors, ribosomes and proteins conformation
- Restoration of homeostasis in live cells
Vector Vitale is working to create therapeutic solutions that treat the most challenging types of primary and metastatic solid tumors.

Phase 1:
- First-in-Human Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of KLS-1 (64Zinc Aspartate) in Patients With Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases
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